5G-HEART white paper contains Main conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations 5G technology evaluation Slicing solutions Summary You can download the white paper here.
The 5G-HEART final events were held in VTT, Oulu, Finland on 16th and 17th Nov 2022. Healthcare Vertical Trials Transportation Vertical Trials Aquaculture Vertical Trials
The 12th and last issue of 5G-HEART newsletter has been released. This issue provides a summary of the 5G-HEART final deliverables. 5G-HEART Newsletter #12
The 11th issue of 5G-HEART newsletter has been released. This issue provides a summary of the 5G-HEART Final Event held in Oulu, Finland on 17 November 2022. 5G-HEART Newsletter #11
The 10th issue of 5G-HEART newsletter has been released. This issue provides an overview to the aquaculture vertical trials performed in the project. 5G-HEART Newsletter #10
The 9th issue of 5G-HEART newsletter has been released. This issue provides an overview to the transport vertical trials performed in the project. 5G-HEART Newsletter #9
The 8th issue of 5G-HEART newsletter has been released. This issue provides an overview to the healthcare vertical trials performed in the project. 5G-HEART Newsletter #8
The 11th plenary meeting of 5G-HEART was held in Telenor campus, Oslo, Norway and also on-line Date: 12 and 13 Sept 2022 Venue: Telenor campus, Oslo, Norway and Online. Group photo at Telenor campus Demo (H1B: Remote ultrasound Examination, H2A: Pillcam, and A1: Aquaculture monitoring) of Norwegian partners Social dinner Presentation and discussion
During the last 42 months, the EU funded project 5G-HEART has explored the innovative digital use cases of healthcare, transportation and aquaculture. In healthcare, we have selected three major use cases for e-health which will challenge the performance and availability of 5G services. All the use cases share a common vision of remote care or ‘hospitals without walls’: Use case H1: Remote Interventional Support, Use case H2: Automatic pill camera anomaly detection, and Use case H3: Vital-sign patches with advanced…