
Scientific publications

1. Lu, M., Kim, H. (2019). Advanced 5G validation trials across multiple vertical industries. IEEE Future Networks Tech Focus, Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2019. [Online version available]

2. Wolf, F., Le Déroff, K., De Rivaz, S., Deparis, N., Dehmas, F., Cances, J-P. (2019). Benchmarking of narrowband LPWA network ranging technologies. In Proceedings: The 16th IEEE Workshop on Positioning Navigation and Communications (WPNC), 23-24 October 2019, Bremen. DOI: 10.1109/WPNC47567.2019.8970248. [Self-archived version available]

3. Lu, M., Zhang, H., Wissingh, B., Blokpoel, R. (2020). Advanced 5G validation trials across multiple vertical industries: Health, aquaculture and transport (abstract). In Proceedings: The 8th Transport Research Arena (TRA 2020), 27-30 April 2020, Helsinki. [Self-archived version available from the author]

4. Kakkavas, G., Karyotis, V., Papavassiliou, S. (2020). A distance-based agglomerative clustering algorithm for multicast network tomography. In Proceedings: The 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 7-11 June 2020, Dublin (online). DOI: 10.1109/ICC40277.2020.9149412. [Self-archived version available]

5. Wolf, F., De Rivaz, S., Dehmas, F., Mannoni, V., Berg, V., Cances, J-P. (2020). Accurate narrowband LPWA ranging: Principles, performance in AWGN and multipath channels. In Proceedings: The 29th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 16-17 June 2020, Dubrovnik (online). DOI: 10.1109/EuCNC48522.2020.9200944. [Self-archived version available]

6. Uitto, M., Heikkinen, A. (2020). Exploiting and evaluating live 360 low latency video streaming using CMAF. In Proceedings: The 29th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 16-17 June 2020, Dubrovnik (online). DOI: 10.1109/EuCNC48522.2020.9200954. [Self-archived version available]

7. Morocho-Cayamcela, M. E., Lee, H., Lim, W. (2020). Machine learning to improve multi-hop searching and extended wireless reachability in V2X. IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 1477-1481, July 2020. DOI: 10.1109/LCOMM.2020.2982887. [Self-archived version available]

8. Bouali, F., Moessner, K., Fitch, M. (2020). Energy-efficient QoE-driven strategies for context-aware RAT selection. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 858-872, September 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TGCN.2020.2966449. [Self-archived version available]

9. Lu, M., Bouali, F. (2020). Potential 5G applications for connected vehicles: Use cases, opportunities and challenges. In Proceedings: The 27th ITS World Congress, 4-8 October 2020, Los Angeles. [Self-archived version available]

10. Kim, H. (2020). Performance analysis of K means clustering algorithms for mMTC systems. In Proceedings: The 11th International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC), 21-23 October 2020, Jeju Island. DOI: 10.1109/ICTC49870.2020.9289287. [Self-archived version available]

11. Guizar, A., Mannoni, V., Poli, F., Denis, B., Berg, V. (2020). LTE-V2X performance evaluation for cooperative collision avoidance (CoCA) systems. In Proceedings: The 92nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), 18 November – 16 December 2020, Victoria (online). DOI: 10.1109/VTC2020-Fall49728.2020.9348621. [Self-archived version available]

12. Bouali, F., Moessner, K., Fitch, M. (2021). Multi-timescale QoE provisioning for adaptive video streaming in heterogeneous deployments. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 70, No. 2, pp. 1894-1909, 28 January 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2021.3055490. [Self-archived version available]

13. Bouali, F., Pinola, J., Karyotis, V., Wissingh, B., Mitrou, M., Krishnan, P., Moessner, K. (2021). 5G for vehicular use cases: A survey of technical requirements, value propositions and outlook. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transport Systems (OJ-ITS), Vol. 2, pp. 73-96, 9 April 2021. DOI: 10.1109/OJITS.2021.3072220.

14. Mouawad, N., Mannoni, V., Denis, B., Da Silva, A. P. (2021). Impact of LTE-V2X connectivity on global occupancy maps in a cooperative collision avoidance (CoCA) system. In Proceedings: The 93rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), 25 April – 19 May 2021, Helsinki (online). DOI: 10.1109/VTC2021-Spring51267.2021.9449034. [Self-archived version available]

15. Lekidis, A., Bouali, F. (2021). C-V2X network slicing framework for 5G-enabled vehicle platooning applications. In Proceedings: The 93rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), 25 April – 19 May 2021, Helsinki (online). DOI: 10.1109/VTC2021-Spring51267.2021.9448769. [Self-archived version available]

16. Apilo, O., Pinola, J., Ahola, R., Kemppainen, J., Happonen, J. (2021). Experimental evaluation of a traffic warning system based on accurate driver condition assessment and 5G connectivity. In Proceedings: The 93rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), 25 April – 19 May 2021, Helsinki (online). DOI: 10.1109/VTC2021-Spring51267.2021.9448881. [Self-archived version available]

17. Kim, H., Pinola, J. (2021). Transport use case trials of 5G-HEART project. In Proceedings: IEEE 5G for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM), 11-12 May 2021, Brussels (online). [Self-archived version available]

18. Berg, V., Dehmas, F., Wolf, F. (2021). Coherent multi-channel ranging for precise localization in narrowband LPWA networks: Performance trials in an indoor environment. In Proceedings: The 30th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 8-11 June 2021, Porto (online). DOI: 10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit51104.2021.9482557. [Self-archived version available]

19. Uitto, M., Heikkinen, A. (2021). Evaluation of live video streaming performance for low latency use cases in 5G. In Proceedings: The 30th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 8-11 June 2021, Porto (online). DOI: 10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit51104.2021.9482605. [Self-archived version available]

20. Arora, A., Dimitrovski, T., Litjens, R., Zhang, H. (2021). Machine learning-based slice management in 5G networks for emergency scenarios. In Proceedings: The 30th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 8-11 June 2021, Porto (online). DOI: 10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit51104.2021.9482547. [Self-archived version available by request]

21. Brandsma, E., Hallingby, H. K., Lehne, P. H. (2021). A 5G health use case calling for ecosystem strategies: Resolving technology and business dependencies necessary to kick off the market. In Proceedings: The 30th European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 8-11 June 2021, Porto (online). DOI: 10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit51104.2021.9482489. [Self-archived version available from the author]

22. Wolf, F., Berg, V., Dehmas, F., Mannoni, V., De Rivaz, D. (2021). Multi-frequency phase difference of arrival for precise localization in narrowband LPWA networks. In Proceedings: The 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 14-23 June 2021, Montreal (online). DOI: 10.1109/ICC42927.2021.9500389. [Self-archived version available]

23. Kakkavas, G., Diamanti, M., Stamou, A., Karyotis, V., Papavassiliou, S., Bouali, F., Moessner, K. (2021). 5G network requirement analysis and slice dimensioning for sustainable vehicular services. In Proceedings: The 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 14-16 July 2021, Pafos (online). DOI: 10.1109/DCOSS52077.2021.00082. [Self-archived version available]

24. Kakkavas, G., Kalntis, M., Karyotis, V., Papavassiliou, S. (2021). Future network traffic matrix synthesis and estimation based on deep generative models. In Proceedings: The 30th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 19-22 July 2021, Athens. DOI: 10.1109/ICCCN52240.2021.9522222. [Self-archived version available]

25. Kakkavas, G., Diamanti, M., Gabriel, M., Lahoud, C., Phanindra Akula, S. V. N., Karyotis, V., Moessner, K., Papavassiliou, S. (2021). Demo proposal: Tele-operated support over 4G/5G mobile communications. In Proceedings: IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom), 7-10 September 2021, Athens (online). DOI: 10.1109/MeditCom49071.2021.9647643. [Self-archived version available]

26. Kose A., Lee, H., Foh, C. H., Dianati, M. (2021). Beam-based mobility management in 5G millimetre wave V2X communications: A survey and outlook. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transport Systems (OJ-ITS), Vol. 2, pp. 347-363, 14 September 2021. DOI: 10.1109/OJITS.2021.3112533.

27. Mouawad, N., Mannoni, V. (2021). Collective perception messages: New low complexity fusion and V2X connectivity analysis. In Proceedings: The 94th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), 27-30 September 2021 (online). DOI: 10.1109/VTC2021-Fall52928.2021.9625454. [Self-archived version available]

28. Kim, H. (2021). Signal recovery technique using recurrent neural network in interference environment. In Proceedings: The 12th International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC), 20-22 October 2021, Jeju Island. DOI: 10.1109/ICTC52510.2021.9621098. [Self-archived version available by request]

29. Kose, A., Foh, C. H., Lee, H., Moessner, K. (2021). Profiling vehicles for improved small cell beam-vehicle pairing using multi-armed bandit. In Proceedings: The 12th International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC), 20-22 October 2021, Jeju Island. DOI: 10.1109/ICTC52510.2021.9620863. [Self-archived version available]

30. Uitto, M., Heikkinen, A. (2021). Demo: Proactive low latency video encoding service based on 5G coverage. In Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 10-12 November 2021 (online). DOI: 10.1109/VNC52810.2021.9644660. [Self-archived version available]

31. Kakkavas, G., Diamanti, M., Stamou, A., Karyotis, V., Bouali, F., Pinola, J., Apilo, O., Papavassiliou, S., Moessner, K. (2022). Design, development, and evaluation of 5G-enabled vehicular services: The 5G-HEART perspective. Sensors, Vol. 22, No. 2: 426, 6 January 2022. DOI: 10.3390/s22020426.

32. Kakkavas, G., Karyotis, V., Papavassiliou, S. (2022). Topology inference and link parameter estimation based on end-to-end measurements. Future Internet, Vol. 14, No. 2: 45, 28 January 2022. DOI: 10.3390/fi14020045.

33. Khaleghi, A., Qadir, H., Lehne, P. H., Balasingham, I. (2022). Wireless capsule video endoscopy for population-based colon cancer screening using 5G network. Accepted for publication: The 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 27 March – 1 April 2022, Madrid. DOI: 10.23919/EuCAP53622.2022.9769195. [Self-archived version available]

34. Kim, H. (2022). Demo: 5th Generation Health Aquaculture and Transport Validation Trials. In Proceedings: The 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), 16-20 May 2022. DOI: 10.1109/ICCWorkshops53468.2022.9915025. [Self-archived version available by request]

35. Noor-A-Rahim, M., Liu, Z., Lee, H., Omar Khyam, M., He, J., Pesch, D., Moessner, K., Saad, W., Vincent Poor, H. (2022). 6G for vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications: Enabling technologies, challenges, and opportunities. Proceedings of the IEEE, pp. 1-23, 20 May 2022. DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2022.3173031.

36. Lu, M., Nagalur Subraveti, H., Ni, Y.-C., Wang, M. (2022). Smart intersection for CCAM services. In Proceedings: The 14th European Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, 30 May – 1 June 2022, Toulouse. [Self-archived version available from the author]

37. Lu, M., Wissingh, B., Ravesteijn, D., Pinola, J. (2022). Validation of 5G applications in the transport industry. In Proceedings: The 14th European Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, 30 May – 1 June 2022, Toulouse. [Self-archived version available from the author]

38. Villien, C., Deparis, N., Mannoni, V., De Rivaz, S. (2022). Prediction of TOA-based localization accuracy using CRLB and 3D buildings with field trial validation. In Proceedings: The 31st European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 7-10 June 2022, Grenoble. DOI: 10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit54941.2022.9815596. [Self-archived version available]

39. Uitto, M., Heikkinen, A. (2022). Evaluating 5G uplink performance in low latency video streaming. In Proceedings: The 31st European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 7-10 June 2022, Grenoble. DOI: 10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit54941.2022.9815703. [Self-archived version available]

40. Brandsma, E., Huijgen, H., Gruijters, P., Gonzalez Tejeria, J. (2022). Addressing coverage concerns for direct-to-cloud wearables. In Proceedings: The 31st European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 7-10 June 2022, Grenoble. DOI: 10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit54941.2022.9815726. [Self-archived version available from the author]

41. Lu, M., Wissingh, B., Ravesteijn, D., Pinola, J., Vahid, S. (2022). 5G Applications in the Transport Vertical. In Proceedings: The 31st European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 7-10 June 2022, Grenoble. [Self-archived version available from the author]

42. Kakkavas, G., Nyarko, K. N., Lahoud, C., Kuehnert, D., Kueffner, P., Gabriel, M., Diamanti, M., Karyotis, V., Moessner, K., Papavassiliou, S. (2022). Teleoperated support for remote driving over 5G mobile communications. In Proceedings: The 2nd IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom), 5-8 September 2022, Athens. DOI: 10.1109/MeditCom55741.2022.9928745. [Self-archived version available]

43. Lu, M., Nagalur Subraveti, H. (2022). Design of traffic signal priority control strategy for C-ITS services. In Proceedings: 28th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, 18-22 September 2022, Los Angeles. [Self-archived version available from the author]

44. Zhang, H., Toh, Y., Martin Soroa, I., Morris, D., Roukens, M.-P. (2022). Pre-hospital triage improvement for ambulances via 5G video and vital data communication. In Proceedings: IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), 12-14 October 2022, Montreal. [Self-archived version available by request]

45. Wissingh, B., Ravesteijn, D., Schwartz, R. S. (2022). Validating 5G stand-alone slicing advantages through a real life mobility scenario. In Proceedings: IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), 12-14 October 2022, Montreal. [Self-archived version available by request]

46. Baiyekusi, O., Lee, H., Moessner, K. (2022). ML-based estimation of the number of devices in industrial networks using unlicensed bands. In Proceedings: The 13th International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC), 19-21 October 2022, Jeju Island. DOI: 10.1109/ICTC55196.2022.9952455. [Self-archived version available]

47. Abdulkareem, S. A., Foh, C. H., Lee, H., Carrez, F., Moessner, K. (2022). IoT network intrusion detection with ensemble learners. In Proceedings: The 13th International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC), 19-21 October 2022, Jeju Island. DOI: 10.1109/ICTC55196.2022.9952376. [Self-archived version available]

48. Kim, H. (2022). Association of IoT devices using fuzzy c-means clustering and apriori algorithms. In Proceedings: The 19th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), 20-22 October 2022, Denver. DOI: 10.1109/MASS56207.2022.00012. [Self-archived version available by request]

49. Kim, H. (2022). 5G vertical trials, use cases and scenarios. In Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence Systems (IoTaIS), 24-26 November 2022. DOI: 10.1109/IoTaIS56727.2022.9975928. [Self-archived version available by request]

50. Kim, H., Pinola, J., Apilo, O. (2022). 5G vertical use cases and trials of transportation. In Proceedings: The 32nd International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC), 30 November – 2 December 2022, Wellington (hybrid). DOI: 10.1109/ITNAC55475.2022.9998352. [Self-archived version available]

51. Kakkavas, G., Diamanti, M., Nyarko, K. N., Gabriel, M., Karyotis, V., Moessner, K., Papavassiliou, S. (2022). Realistic field trial evaluation of a tele-operated support service for remote driving over 5G. In Proceedings: IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN), 28-30 November 2022, Thessaloniki (hybrid). [Self-archived version available]

52. Qadir, H., Shin, Y., Bergsland, J., Balasingham, I. (2022). Accurate real-time polyp detection in videos from concatenation of latent features extracted from consecutive frames. In Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 6-8 December 2022, Las Vegas. DOI: 10.1109/BIBM55620.2022.9995323. [Self-archived version available]

Other publications

1. Kaloxylos, A., Gavras, A., Camps Mur, D., Ghoraishi, M., Hrasnica, H. (Eds.) (2021). AI and ML – Enablers for beyond 5G networks. White Paper, Version 1.0, 11 May 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4299895.

2. Markopoulos, I., Valcarenghi, L., Mesogiti, I., Taferner, M., Boleguin, P., Bouali, F., Tzanettis, K., Tzanettis, I., Hetzer, D., Känsälä, I., Grøndalen, O., Gavras, A., Kaloxylos, A., Katsaros, K., Lundh, P., Cattoni, A., Trichias, K. (2021). Service performance measurement methods over 5G experimental networks. White Paper, Version 1.0, 25 May 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4748385.

3. Albers, T., Martin Soroa, I., Vonder, M. R. (2021). 5G Service Platform (5GSP): An innovative platform to expose new 5G features at internet API level. Position Paper, September 2021. [Online version available]

4. Hallingby, H. K., Fletcher, S., Frascolla, V., Gavras, A., Mesogiti, I., Parzysz, F. (Eds.) (2021). 5G ecosystems. White Paper, Version 1.0, 9 September 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5094340.

5. Gavras, A., Bulakci, Ö., Gramaglia, M., Iordache, M., Ghoraishi, M., Garcia, A., Cogalan, T., Gutiérrez, J., Tzanakaki, A., Warren, D., Li, X., Landi, G., Mangues, J., Tsagkaris, K., Frascolla, V., Lee, H. (Eds.) (2021). View on 5G architecture. White Paper, Version 4.0, 29 October 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5155656.

6. Williamson, R., D’Aria. G., Li, R. (Eds.) (2021). 5G TDD uplink. NGMN White Paper, Version 1.0, 23 December 2021. [Online version available]