5G-HEART Final Event

During the last 42 months, the EU funded project 5G-HEART has explored the innovative digital use cases of healthcare, transportation and aquaculture.

In healthcare, we have selected three major use cases for e-health which will challenge the performance and availability of 5G services. All the use cases share a common vision of remote care or ‘hospitals without walls’: Use case H1: Remote Interventional Support, Use case H2: Automatic pill camera anomaly detection, and Use case H3: Vital-sign patches with advanced geo-location.

In transportation, we have focused on various advanced use cases of the transport industry through enhanced wireless connectivity and increased automation, which would pave the way to fully connected mobility and autonomous driving: Use case T1: Platooning, Use case T2:Autonomous/ assisted driving, Use case T3:Support for remote driving, and Use case T4 Vehicle data services.

In aquaculture, the use cases comprise of two pilot sites: The first site in Greece utilizes the 5G-EVE node and the second pilot in Norway uses the Norwegian node of 5G-VINNI to access the network. The aquaculture use case scenarios are summarized as follows: Use case A1 Remote monitoring of water and fish quality.

The 5G-HEART final event will showcase the final results of 5G-HEART and take place in VTT Oulu, Finland on 17th Nov 2022. You are free to attend. Registration is required via the below link:
