The eighth Workshop and Industry Panel on “Cooperative and Automated Driving” at IV 2022

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The eighth Workshop and Industry Panel on “Cooperative and Automated Driving” at IV 2022


The eighth Workshop and Industry Panel on “Cooperative and Automated Driving” will be held, in conjunction with the 33rd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2022) on June 5-9, 2022 in Aachen, Germany ( IEEE IV is one of the major annual conferences of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS). The Workshop targets cooperative and autonomous technologies for cooperative and automated driving. Similar to the past, the workshop also features an Industry Panel with experts from related industries (e.g. OEMs, Suppliers, Telecom and ICT), which will again foster the interactive exchange of academia and industry.

Recent developments in telecommunications, sensor, information processing and control technologies have enabled substantial progress in the domain of ITS. C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems) is in a very early stage of deployment, as it is technologically achievable, but the deployment requires cooperation of multiple stakeholders. Automated driving is on the horizon, and will still need substantial and longer-term development and testing to make even the high automation levels a reality in complex situations, such as in urban environments, and in a transit period of only partial market penetration. Cooperative and automated transport are certainly complementary. They are expected to bring substantial benefits in terms of safety, comfort and (traffic and fuel) efficiency. Many challenges exist in this important domain

The workshop targets the challenges for (C-)ITS applications, especially connected and cooperative systems towards automated driving. Competing communication technologies (e.g. ITS-G5/IEEE 802.11p, 802.11bd, 4G, 4G LTE, 5G and beyond), sensor, information processing and control technologies will be highlighted. The impacts of C-ITS applications will be analysed. Requirements for strong cooperation between industry, authorities and academia in different regions will be addressed.

The workshop is expected to be very interactive. Participants will have an excellent opportunity to discuss with and to challenge distinguished speakers and panellists. The technical areas to be discussed include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Connected and Automated Vehicles
  • V2X communication technologies
  • C-ITS deployment
  • Standardisation
  • 5G/6G research and testing
  • Architecture
  • Impacts evaluation of cooperative and automated transport



Workshop and Industry Panel on “Cooperative and Automated Driving”, in conjunction with IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2022)
Date: Sunday 5 June 2022
Time: 09:30-17:00 CEST

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Dr. Meng Lu
Strategic Innovation Manager, Peek Traffic B.V., The Netherlands
ISO/TC 204 and CEN/TC 278 – NEN (The Netherlands) Expert
Member, Board of Governors, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society
Co-Chair, WG Industry Engagement, IEEE Future Networks – Enabling 5G and Beyond

Moderator / Chair:

  • Tim Leinmüller, Denso, Germany
  • Meng Lu, PEEK, The Netherlands

Workshop Program (one full day):

  • Opening & Introduction (Meng Lu, PEEK/SWARCO, The Netherlands & Tim Leinmueller, Denso, Germany)
  • José Manuel Gaspar Sánchez (KTH, Sweden); Truls Nyberg (Scania / KTH, Sweden): “Foresee the Unseen: Sequential Reasoning about Hidden Obstacles for Safe Driving”
  • Emilia Silvas (TNO / TU/e, The Netherlands): “Connectivity and Context-Awareness for Safer CCAM”
  • Matti Kutila (VTT, Finland): “Collaborative sensing  with using C-V2X and cellular network”
  • Matthias Gabriel (DRAIVE GmbH, Germany): “How Behaviour Prediction Enables Mutual Respect in Autonomous Vehicles”
  • Evangelos Mitsakis (CERTH, Greece): “Microscopic Traffic Simulation Models and Software for Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility”
  • Shunsuke AOKI (National Institute of Informatics, Japan): “A-DRIVE: Autonomous Deadlock Detection and Recovery at Road Intersections for Connected and Automated Vehicles”
  • Ahmed Abdo (University of California Riverside, USA): “CVGuard: Mitigating Application Attacks on Connected Vehicles”
  • Julian Schindler (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany): “From Cooperative to Managed Automated Driving: Steps to a Distributed Intelligence”
  • Baldomero Coll Perales (Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche (UMH), Spain): “Recent Findings on 5G NR V2X”
  • Xinwei Wang (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands); Meng Wang (Dresden University of Technology, Germany): “Stochastic Modelling of Driving Risk for Automated Driving”
  • Yunpeng Zang (Ericsson): “V2X Communication for Automated Valet Parking – A Cellular Network Approach”
  • Maciej Muehleisen (Ericsson): “Cellular Network Communication for Traffic Safety and Efficiency: The Interoperability (IT) Challenge and Solutions”
  • Franz-Dieter Müller (FEV): “Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communication as Enabler for Improved Automated Driving Functions”
  • Robert Müller (DENSO): “Joint Sensing and Communication”
  • Marvin Klimke (Bosch, Germany): “Cooperative Multi-Agent Behavior Planning for Urban Automated Driving”
  • Panel Discussions
  • Closing Remarks: Tim Leinmueller, Denso, Germany & Meng Lu, PEEK/SWARCO, The Netherlands


Email: meng dot lu at dynniq dot com





Aachen, Germany + Google Map